Pressure Gauges

Sprinkler Service Gauge

PSG Series


  • Suitable for air and water media
  • Corrosion resistant case
  • Dual scales (psi/kpa, psi/bar, psi/kg/cm2) and single scale (psi)
  • Approved by Factory Mutual (FM) and listed by Underwriter
  • Laboratory (UL)
  • ASME B40.100 compliant
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Sprinkler Service Gauge Unit Controls The Pressure For Correct Application

Did you know about the Sprinkler Service Gauge unit? Here at GPI Inc., we have various models to help you out in the most certain factors. And here is what you need to know about the service gauges in sprinklers.


Every industry uses a back up cooling agent. Though many and mostly these agents are not only cooling gas agents or fire extinguisher as they tend to hamper or pollute the area of application. Also in many cases these areas of application also varies. However, the most common use is of the sprinkler gauge. Now sprinklers are not only used for cooling down a system but also for cleaning and fire protection purposes in a industry. Though the main area of application remains in cooling or purification, the Sprinkler Service Gauge is an excellent agent to monitor percussion level.


Just like the other legit pressure measuring devices, a sprinkler gauge that is particularly designed for measuring the percussion level of sprinkling effect is of various models. It uses black plastic case with socket in brass.